10 thoughts on “The Wall

  1. The Wall won’t keep the drugs out, any more than gun laws will prevent criminals from getting them.

    I’m sorry for this poor child AND her parents, like I am sorry for my own family.
    You see, my daughter made it to her 25th birthday by only two months when a heroin /fentanyl combination took her life.

    Don’t go where the sun don’t shine cause I got no love for that drug OR the blasted wall.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Awful wasn’t the worst part. My wife found her… and it was in our own house.
        Now we her to raise our granddaughter without mommas help.

        One little mistake turns the world upside down.

        Liked by 2 people

      2. She is 3 ½ years old now.
        In 4 days it will be 2 years since my daughter died. The wife and I have become the mom and dad our grandbaby has lost. She remebers her “mom” and asks about her often

        Liked by 2 people

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