
What would you like to see on this blog? I don't remember why I started this blog, to be honest lmao and I haven't been sure for ages on what I should post on here. Is there anything in particular that you guys would like to see on here? Discussions/thoughts on particular topics? Movie reviews? … Continue reading Question

I have a surprise!

The Enchanted River in the Cryptid's Hollow

Hey y’all!

Hope you guys are doing well! So, I decided to actually attempt erotica today, it’s just a short piece, not much to it, but it’s my first real attempt at it (cause as a writer, I would like to master as many genres as I can because it would be awesome to be a versatile creator), but I’m aware it’s not a genre that’s for everyone, so I’m not going to post it on here for everyone to just accidentally stumble upon and read. However, I have posted it on FictionPress where it has a specific category for that genre so that no-one who doesn’t like that stuff can accidentally stumble across it, all the categories are clearly labeled, whereas on here…not so much lol!

I would love people to read it and give me helpful tips and ways to become better at this genre, so if anyone…

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