New Year

I can't believe that it's New Year's Eve (at least where I am) and tomorrow will be 2020!!!! This year has been pretty hectic - lots of things happening and doing new things. It's been a fun, exciting, and turbulent year and I enjoyed every second of it (well, almost every second of it. Hope … Continue reading New Year

This is Goodbye

The Enchanted River in the Cryptid's Hollow

That’s how I feel right now writing this announcement. But, as Winnie the Pooh wisely says:

But as another quote points out: “Don’t cry because it’s over. Smile because it happened.”

So, with that in mind, I now have the strength to say Goodbye to the Zion trilogy.

I have published the LAST book in the Zion trilogy – Zion: War of Thrones. And I have to say good-bye again. Now, last time I did on January 1st of this year, it was an ecstatic good-bye like ‘hurrah! It’s over!’ Or more accurately, like Will Smith’s and Jeff Goldblum’s good-bye to the aliens in the mothership in the first Independence Day.

Don’t get me wrong – I LOVED writing the Zion trilogy, but the first time over, I was relieved to be finally finished so that I could finally write other stories. BUT, the second time over, with…

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Random Thoughts

Just a bunch of weird and random stuff that for some reason dart through my brain space 🤢 Enjoy! *Spoilers for Avengers: Infinity War and Avengers: Endgame. Go down to go to spoiler-free thoughts (well, spoiler-free expect for potentially spoiling your innocently naive day😏* Why did Thanos eradicate only half of the universe's population? He … Continue reading Random Thoughts