I’ve Seen Dragons

Okay, so that was more like shameless clickbait. I wanted to mention some great movies with dragons that, if you haven't yet seen them, I'm sure you would enjoy. Don't worry, I'll only be mentioning the dragons and what movies they come from, not actually doing ANOTHER movie review. How to Train Your Dragon: The … Continue reading I’ve Seen Dragons

How Does Your Garden Grow?

Bitchin’ in the Kitchen

I’m down in Poughkeepsie and we’re working on the garden so we can sell this house and move on to the next step of our lives. It’s a lovely house, it’s in a fantastic neighbourhood surrounded by trees and were being serenaded by a thousand birds. Scarlet Cardinals are swooping past hoping to snag a juicy worm or bug and there’s an inquisitive little chipmunk sitting close by ‘supervising’

There’s a couple of butterflies twirling too and if it wasn’t for the big ol’ spiders web it would’ve heaven (You know that web means a monstrous beastie is lurking)

Well, that and ‘im indoors airily telling me to watch out for poison ivy when I’m knee deep in shrubbery wearing flip flops and rolled up jeans. Honestly what a plonker! If I’m whining like a banshee later he only has himself to blame!

The birds and the butterflies, my friendly…

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When we watch movies, there are some very memorable moments. Maybe it's a death of one of our favourite characters. Maybe it's a song; a dance; a kiss; a battle; the climax. And sometimes it is the the emotional scenes - sometimes very harrowing - that become some of the most memorable and best scenes … Continue reading Shattered

Art 2

Art is a wonderful thing. Even photos can be an art. I thought I would share some paintings and photos: DISCLAIMER: These are NOT MY PAINTINGS OR PHOTOS, but other people's work. I am simply sharing these truly awesome work.