AI Rant

The Enchanted River in the Cryptid's Hollow

This is a spam email I got from my contact page and wtf???

I have deleted it, but this new AI technology that’s apparently doing all this art and writing is bothering me. Like to create any form of art, you need to be able to feel emotions, understand emotions, think critically, it can be a complex process to capture what you want to capture and is an AI bot that can only COPY what’s been done before, UNABLE to create it’s own original work, do that?


So why are people using AI to create art and do writing and then take all the credit? You didn’t do a thing!!! Art, painting, digital art, writing stories and poems – all that can only be done by humans!!! I’m not getting an AI to write my blog for me, cause then what’s the point of having a blog if you’re…

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Uni creative writing tasks

The Enchanted River in the Cryptid's Hollow

So I’ve been rather busy with study and adjusting to life in the new city, and have been stuck on some of my books that I’m working on that I’ve been posting chapters for on my blog, but I’ve been getting a good schedule and have been able to do a little writing this past weekend and got a couple of the biggest assignments this semester so far out of the way and submitted! But anyway, I have been having to do some creative writing tasks for uni assignments and I wanted to share each week’s creative writing tasks so far for the creative writing and art course, so here is all of week 1’s writing tasks, where I had to introduce myself, and then write up what I did in a span of 4 hours during week 1 and write them up in a poem and then as well…

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I have a surprise!

The Enchanted River in the Cryptid's Hollow

Hey y’all!

Hope you guys are doing well! So, I decided to actually attempt erotica today, it’s just a short piece, not much to it, but it’s my first real attempt at it (cause as a writer, I would like to master as many genres as I can because it would be awesome to be a versatile creator), but I’m aware it’s not a genre that’s for everyone, so I’m not going to post it on here for everyone to just accidentally stumble upon and read. However, I have posted it on FictionPress where it has a specific category for that genre so that no-one who doesn’t like that stuff can accidentally stumble across it, all the categories are clearly labeled, whereas on here…not so much lol!

I would love people to read it and give me helpful tips and ways to become better at this genre, so if anyone…

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